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We gladly present to you the Revive Podcast! The purpose of the podcast is to spread knowledge of holistic well-being among performance-oriented University students. We aim to discuss these themes by having an authentic conversation with health experts and individuals who have been successful in their professional careers. Our episodes will cover topics such as effective recovery, work-life balance, and efficiency. The goal of the podcast is to introduce tools and ideas for you to reach your highest performance and to improve your everyday life.

Link to the PodCAST

Together we are stronger.

The headlines of the past few years all speak the same message - there’s a mental health crisis going on in the entrepreneurship society. Approximately 49% of entrepreneurs suffer from at least one mental health condition during their lifespan. Studies say that start-up founders are twice as likely to suffer from depression, three times more likely to suffer from substance abuse, 10 times more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder, twice as likely to have a psychiatric hospitalisation and twice as likely to have suicidal thoughts.

"Every fourth person has a high risk of burnout and fatigue."

Our goal is to create inspiring events focusing on work-life balance and overall well-being. We want to foster discussion and raise important questions around the challenges students and young professionals face in today’s competitive work environment, as those topics can be difficult to cope with alone. Our target audience is students and young workers with an entrepreneurial mindset.